Sunday 9 June 2013

A Future City

It feels like I am living in the summer of 1956 and I look up to see a mirage of a future city, smiling at me across the river, inviting me into its concrete mass with the promise of strange and wonderful things everywhere. Who ever saw that very strange British TV show, Sapphire and Steel, starring Joanna Lumley. Watch Assignment 1, with attention to the theme song that starts at 4.10 and you may sense what I am getting at, except my future city above has a lot of sunshine and is generally a far nicer and friendlier place to be. I like places like this, from a distance, especially when you are looking at such scenes as the one above, across the water. And I wonder where the photo was taken, I think Brisbane, Australia. And I wonder what the buildings are. Hospital? University? Secret technical centre for the future of planet earth? They don't look like anything else to me. What do you think goes on inside those buildings? How many people work there? Do you think it is one institute or many in the one photo? And in the end all I want to do is look up and see a flock of seagulls flying across the sky, that I think would very much frame the picture.

SUGARBEE XX   09/05/13

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