Friday 26 October 2012

Noone St

Is this maybe the loneliest street on the planet Earth?  Then again it may be a very social street, from memory I saw no one around, I seem to recall a small cafe residing on one of its corners, whose name escapes me also.  Maybe no one really knows the answer except those that live in Noone Street. All I know about Noone Street is that there most definitely is not no one living on Noone Street. 

SUGARBEE XX   26/10/12   


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have tried multiple times to fix the lay out on Nonne Street, its stuck on grey on my screen and the spacing is out of uniform with the rest of the blog. It might have to just remain one of the glitches in space, nevermind, its not a biggie.
    Sugarbee :( :( :( xx
    My OCD is getting a workout today, I deleted this comment as I spotted a spelling mistake and it still records as a deleted comment on my screen, so that's not really a delete is it, it's a partial delete, like all my past relationships in the first part of the breakup, they are all partial break ups, and then you learn :)
