Sunday, 16 June 2013

A Happy Hare Along For The Ride

Here is a hare, a rather fantastic hare on all accounts. Bright and shiny and seemingly wonderfully together and positive and happy and greatly a big amount of good. Where did I find him? That is a mystery to be found in the archive storerooms of my distant past memory or so it seems as I have no idea where I found him except for the following details: In a shop somewhere in Melbourne and not that long ago, sometime within the past year, maybe or maybe not before I started writing this blog for you my readers and myself. And on that note I stop for a few minutes and ponder my experience creating this blog. It has given me a focus point for about half an hour or more each day, it way to really think about one thing or let it lead into other thoughts. It has given me reason not just to see the details, but to talk about them; it has also allowed me a relationship of greater than average depth with a number of photos I have taken. I have met many people I might not have otherwise and the blog has generally brought me a lot of smiles and maybe that is why I found the Hare, to take his photo because one day he know I would look at him and smile with him one more time.

SUGARBEE XX   16/06/13

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