Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Ride A Wave Across The Road

What causes a road to wave as such? Is this due to earth movements post road works or perhaps the road works were carried out and completed with a wave in mind? How on earth did the job get sign off? And were there any issues with the line marking? It is all very strange really. And here is another mystery in the photo, what does the thin blue line mean. If I knew this, I could assess the country the photo was taken in by understanding the various road markings and then narrow down where exactly the photo was taken. The triangle alludes to an intersection with Queen Street and another street in Auckland, but that is not a definite. It is all one big mystery and an optimal piece of ground for a skateboarder, pity it is on the road though and not the footpath. If you recognize this place, feel free to let me know where it is, and thanks in advance.

SUGARBEE XX   19/06/13

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