Friday, 21 June 2013

Panela Is The Super Sugar Of The Day

Panela Sugar is all the rage in sweet and chic cafe land, a sugar that is nice and natural, a sugar that tastes clean and goes well with coffee apparently. A 500 gram bottle for $8 isn't bad because if you use just a teaspoon at a time it will last the distance, especially if you are a sensible coffee drinker and it's just one or two coffees a day. But I have to say if you are drinking coffee, it really shouldn't be sweetened with sugar for coffee drinking is an artform in itself, especially in a town like Melbourne. If you don't like the taste, drink tea for goodness sake or find a better barista maybe. So what is all the fuss about Panela then? Let's see what we can find out. A link all about the process to make Panela, apologies the film is a little wobbly at the start but worth a watch all the same. I believe we should know where our food comes from, maintain an understanding of the relationship between us, our food, and the earth. There is really something quite wrong when a child believes milk comes from the local shop. So if you know any children who believe milk comes from the shop, them show them this link and put an end to that falsehood., excuse the 32 hours calculation at the end of the video :) and then follow it up with:, and keep in mind the farmer talks in fahrenheit degrees.

SUGARBEE XX   21/06/13

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