Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Autumn Fruit

Fruit in trees hangs all over the city I live in, and I have mentioned this before, but then look at all those pears, free for the taking. Fruit in autumn, they tend to be on the small side, a couple of mouthfuls and you are done. Organic, they are left to grow as nature intended and the bizarre thing is no one picks up the fruit, not a single soul have I ever seen eat this offering from God. Except me, I have and not just once. It is sweet, it is delicious, it is healthy and it is all good. Maybe because I am not in a car 24-7, maybe because I walk and ride everywhere that I notice the fallen fruit, maybe I know the value of free organic food. And all I can think of when I stand under the tree is "I wish I had a ladder, to climb my autumn tree, to take the fruit on offer, to little lovely me!" Please if you do start to take the fruit from trees like this, know how to select a piece of fruit ready to be picked, gently pull/twist. If the fruit does not easily come into your hand it is not ready and the test pull/twist should have been gentle enough not to damage the tree in any way. Otherwise that would be like having a haircut with very blunt scissors, not nice, not nice at all :( Love trees, Love nature, and Love life.

SUGARBEE XX   30/04/13

Monday, 29 April 2013

Stop Whaling

Stop hurting animals, mammals, insects, birds and bees, stop hunting for ego, stop killing for fashion, get a clue people and start understanding that people are a part of the world, not the sole entities with everything else at our pleasure disposal. Arrrggghhh, I get so worked up, and I want to thank the girl in this photo for standing up and stating sense. We are one part of an eco system, we need all parts and there is technology accessible to us to live in harmony with more than enough of everything we need, if only our greed and sense of selves could be pulled into line. If you don't already know about Ted.com. http://www.ted.com/ it is something truly wonderful and has taught me so much about the world, life, love, education, science, consequence and much more. I'm at 536 talks watched to date, Ted once a day is my motto. It is positive information, it is inspiring and it is taking a stand for action like my friend in the photo. And on that note I would like to thank My Uncle Dad whose name is Ted for introducing me to Ted.com. Thanks Uncle Dad, best present ever! I hope if you haven't seen a Ted talk already there is something excellent and inspiring in there for you too my friends. Enjoy.

SUGARBEE XX   29/04/13

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Love Is Everything

Love is all you need, in it's complete state it is everything. You can love one million ways and still have another million ways to express love. We all need love and we all want love. It is the basis of humanity, it reaches across all forms of life, the more you love, the more you get back and love will just keep on giving forever and ever. It is the nature of Love. Love is my friend, and that is why I love that someone wrote LOVE in bigger letters at the entrance to a well loved place I know in Melbourne. When I'm down, I sometimes think of all the people I love and who love me and it brings me back up again. For me life is love, what is love to you?

SUGARBEE XX   28/04/13

Friday, 26 April 2013

My Bread Has A Secret Lfe

They conspire together to make the bread healthier, they wish so much all the bread was brown, but in their hearts they know, brown or white bread today is really just a choice of dye and so they quietly close their eyes and cry. Can you see two characters in contemplation? Do you see this and contemplate the state of the worlds food supply and decide to if possible grow your own garden? Are you aware of how home gardens are upgrading nowadays, many heading around the property to the front lawn, because really with all the space a front lawn provides, why not make something cool like vegetables on it? http://realfoodlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/frontyardgarden.jpg This link shows one particularly nice example on what some might consider a restricted amount of land. Silverbeat, fresh and homegrown, do you know how tasty it is, and how wonderfully large it can grew. Pumpkin, you only need a few for a winter long soup supply. Herbs, yes the flavour of the Gods. And the list goes on and on and on. Sure there is some work involved, the results would weigh in the favour of well worth it and read as happiness on a dinner plate. If you have land to plant a garden, I like a million or more other people are too. You are the lucky ones.

SUGARBEE XX   27/04/13

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Bird Park In Origami Land

Origami on mass is a beautiful thing. I'm imagining 100 million origami birds weaving their way across a city skyline, a multitude of colours randomly mingling, different sized birds, and even different types of birds. Then I think if everyone born in Japan since the birth of Origami had made one bird origami and had it join a national collective of origami birds, how incredible that would be. And there would be no rank or positioning for your bird, rather that everyone put in their best effort at a time that suited them in life and simply had their bird join history on a very even playing field. Logistics would come into play as time when on so newer birds would naturally be placed further from the centre, although nothing a small amount of mathematics could not prepare for along the way. And I wonder what the total population of Japan has been, citizens, not visitors, or at least people who have called Japan home at some time in their lives, since the birth of Origami. Probably a number that would surprise as lower than expected, so this project might not take up so much room. If anyone reading this has the privilege of time travel consider making this a reality, wouldn't it be a wonderful thing.

SUGARBEE XX   26/04/13

Rolls Of Fabric

Rolls of fabric and I'm in heaven. This particular bin of bits has me salivating and wishing I owned a piece of furniture just like this. Bookshops, stationery shops, chemists and fabric shops are places I am happy and able to entertain myself for hours and hours and hours. In actual fact I have temporarily banned myself from entering bookshops for it either ends in a purchase I never get around to reading or a feeling that "Ohhh I could read and learn this or this or this" in which I realize I would need roughly another 150 lifetimes to complete the newly complied reading list. Hmmm best to stay home and read what I already own. It's the same with fabric, when I used to own a sewing machine, how many pieces of fabric did I own and not get around to sewing? This is a first world problem. And if we could gather all that fabric that sits waiting to be used and shipped it to a country less fortunate than ourselves, along with cotton, and anything else required to make a garment, I can happily imagine what would result. When will the world stop holding on and when will the world evenly distribute? Are we not just stealing beauty from ourselves? That is a question for the politians to ask themselves quietly.

SUGARBEE XX   25/04/13

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

And The Winner Is . . .

And with one well placed move, Europe wins the packaging competition. I love packaging for foods. I often wander around Asian supermarkets in a dream state, making one syllable sounds along the lines of ohhh, ahhh, awww and niceee. No one looks at me strange for I think they feel the same way. The above packets of stock were found in a Greek deli, where the presentation of food is inviting, mouth-watering and abundant. The difference for me between the two kinds of food stores is that one I know what I am looking at and the other I have no idea at all, that and the fact that Greek shops tend to have lots of cheese which is the biggest draw card. But back to the packaging, if you have spare cash flow (lucky you!) buy one item a week based purely on the packaging, with no intention of consuming the product, and display your purchase. After a year your kitchen will resemble something wonderful. The next step is to invite a friend who is a kitchen king / queen and give them full access to your collection, then sit back and wait to be served a most interesting meal. No meat or veges? You best hope you found fried Dace fish or something similar attractive sometime during the year. There will likely be enough food for a few, so a dinner party it is. The alternative is to invite 52 friends to dinner in which they all bring one item chosen only for its packaging. Feel free to send me photos of your evening.

SUGARBEE XX   24/04/13

Monday, 22 April 2013

A Beautiful Cityscape Of A Place I Call Home

This one you can enjoy peacefully in your own thoughts.

SUGARBEE XX   23/04/13

It Was A Lucky Day

Another perfect stranger as so many of the people I meet are, this one wearing a fantastic denim cap. It says Lucky travel, and made me feel as it the rest of the day would be filled with excellence and wonderful things to boot. And as I looked at the cap as I focused the camera and shot the photo I was whisked away on the Trans Siberian Railway, seeing things I have always wanted to see, my mind being opened a multitude more than it already is, a chance meeting a million times over, a photo album on the way home too heavy to carry any further and stories to tell 40 generations to follow. This is my imagination in full swing, for each moment is filled with colours, sounds, smells, landscapes and laughter. And one day I shall go, one day in the distance future, but perhaps I should start a little closer to home and ride the Ghan across the mighty Outback of Australia, where there are one million shades of red to learn, and big old bouncing kangaroos, and crocodiles if we pass by any waterways. Let's see what the future holds, but rest assured if I do ride either of those incredible railways, I shall be sure to share the glory I see with you.

SUGARBEE XX   22/04/13

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Teeny Tiny Milk Please Mama

I cannot tell you the ml size, maybe 200 ml, yet whatever it measures, it is teeny and quite frankly my dear the tiniest bottle of milk I have ever seen. This is not a common bottle of milk, I have never seen one since and I do go into supermarkets, local shops, milk bars, and the diary rather often. Wow is all I could think to say upon sighting such a small bottle of milk and it sums up my feeling still. One mouthful maybe? A toddlers night snack? Food for a stray kitten? Do kittens drink milk or is that a hangover I have from the childhood stories I read? I imagine the production of the plastic bottle weighs on the heavy side when you look at the environmental balance sheet to create a product such as this. Yet still there must be demand out there somewhere. Not from me though, that much milk wouldn't cover half a bowl of my Coco Pops, especially when I get involved in pouring the perfect amount of milk for the perfect amount of Coco Pops and before I know it, half a box of Coco Pops are down and here comes a sugar high. And on the positive side, any excuse to jump up and dance around is good by me. 

SUGARBEE XX   21/04/13

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Wherever We Can, We Will Go Planting

Get planting plants wherever you can. This is a call to all citizens, lets plant plants everywhere we can. I think all roofs should be covered in plants and celebrate the evolution in architecture where we are frequently seeing the plant life on buildings. Google Rooftop Gardens and a wonderland of life flashes up before your eyes. How fantastic now that green roofs completely change the thermodynamics of a building, the heating and cooling of interiors controlled by grass as opposed to stinky, noisy and polluting air conditioning units of the past. One has to question when the technology is well established why all new buildings are not employing this brilliance, and one really has to ask why all new housing is not set up to comfort the residents while lowering emissions. In my perfect world, every building would have an incredible garden on its roof. I would also like to see all existing buildings upgraded now. I say celebrate life, and do what you can to improve it for everyone. 

SUGARBEE XX   20/04/13

A Subsoma Like No Other

She called it a Subsoma and it may have been one of the nicest meals I have had the pleasure to eat. Essentially there is nothing spectacular about this particular meal, it was warm and tasty and filling, but what made it very special was the timing. I had not eaten all day and I did this to grip an understanding of what it really is like to be hungry, no food accessible, your energy dropping away. I lasted a day, ate before bed, and I can tell you it is not very pleasant at all, I can tell you it leaves you feeling weak and light headed. I can tell you I did this because I am upset when I see homeless and hungry people around me. I am ever grateful that I am not in this position. There is a concept growing around the world, started in Naples I believe, called Suspended Coffee. When you buy a coffee at a cafe that supports Suspended Coffee, you can pay for coffee for the next person in need who can't afford a coffee, but now has the chance to have one, without begging. It is a small and wonderful way to return dignity to those who have through circumstance found themselves on the tough side of life. http://www.facebook.com/SuspendedCoffeess. Check it out, it's a wonderful idea and you can do suspended food as well.

SUGARBEE XX   19/04/13

Thursday, 18 April 2013

My Pensive Monkey

Deep in thought and carrying the wisdom of the world, my pensive monkey sits on the shelf above my desk, watching over me while looking upward in conversation with God. My pensive monkey is at peace and contemplating things at the same time, and he is happy, not sad, even though he looks as if the ice cream van is half an hour late. As I happen to leave tiny pieces of banana close by, he thanks me by whispering the secrets of mathematics, and has taught me how best to bake bananas to his refined taste. Seeing how I believe everything in life is basically mathematics, I pretty much have the answers to all the world's problems sitting about a metre from my head whenever I am working at my desk. Well the solutions in figures anyhow, the implementation is a different ball game and quiet possible next week's lesson. My pensive monkey has already hinted at the implementation configuration, insisting it is deeply entwined in multiplication of emotion which should be read as a complex and intriguing understanding, but all in all, completely mathematical and so very possible to solve. I wait with bated breath.

SUGARBEE XX   18/04/13

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

A Friend Is Someone Who Likes You

That's nice although a little simplified. Personally I think a friend is so much more, otherwise imagine how many friends the Queen would have, far too many to count, whereas I think to be someone's friend, it's far easier if you do like them. But then again you may be someone's friend and not like them at all, but for a number of other reasons you stick around, you are in a group, you enjoy the stimulating conversation they provide, you may watch out for them, help them in times of need, etc, but still not like them. Ahhhh language is a funny thing, you can say so much in so few words, you can confuse, argue, debate, rearrange, and decide all in one sentence. I love language and multiple meanings, I love implication and insinuation, I love a challenge in understanding exactly what the meanings behind words are. I am a word freak, I religiously look up dictionaries, I believe good spelling is a good thing and deeper than that, I love deciphering one persons statement so another can understand, I love playing with words, writing poems and paragraphs and creating whole worlds of fantasy with words. I've always been this way and I suspect I always will. Words are excellent things, and as time goes on, I am learning the importance of only saying positive things where possible, but that is constant effort, and another matter altogether. However I will wrap this up by telling you I can say the alphabet backwards and I'm rather proud of that little skill.

SUGARBEE XX   17/04/13

Monday, 15 April 2013

Motar Has A Home In North Melbourne

Stencil art is everywhere in Melbourne, often cute and entertaining. I love graffiti, but then I live in a city where it is celebrated and a ridiculous amount of it is highly skilled, a level to which you can stand in awe in front of the piece thinking "Skills, that is mad skills" while cracking a big smile. Street art is growing, it's more than enormous in many parts of the world and it is something to celebrate in my mind. Well I celebrate it in my mind everyday already, I meant in my opinion :) If you are on Facebook, search graffiti and you will have an abundance of pages to like, thereby getting treated daily to art from around the world for the people by the people. But back to Motar here, he is in my neighbourhood, he brings joy to the passersby and I think he might be scratching his back, or fixing a lost connection. Next time you see street art you like, smile and think, someone made this just for me. I follow it up with a hands up in the air THANK-YOU and go on my way inspired for the day.

SUGARBEE XX   16/04/13

All The Biscuits Are For My Mum!

I'm not able to take credit for the baking of such delicious biscuits, I will however dedicate the whole lot to my Mum. Happy Eating Mum, love you. xx

SUGARBEE XX   15/04/13

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Darling Is The Place I Long To Be

Darling, it is you who I long to be with, it is you who sets my heart on fire, darling, my darling for ever more. And is there really anything else to think when you are standing a train station named Darling? I would love to live in Darling, or for that matter Sunshine, Surf Coast, or the Gold Coast among a number of other places, purely only for the name. I live in Sunshine, I am eternally happy and warm. I mean imagine living in Sunshine in winter, that would be simply wonderful with an imagination like mine, I would never be cold. If only I had a list of all the places in the world with such names, that would make my day, and I'm slightly miffed that I can only remember 4 right now, for I'm usually pretty good with such things. Anyhow I will leave you with these thoughts and next time you come across place names that ring your bell, catch a smile and wear it wide.

SUGARBEE XX   14/04/13

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Things From Above We See

Here I see happiness and the exploration of life together between Mother and Son. This piece of art is situated on a wall of a car park in my neighbourhood. It brings me sunshine looking at it, and maybe in winter I will feel like here comes a storm, or the moon is out. The red umbrella is wonderful, its romantic even, hardly protective, but sweet and boutique all the same, a lady's accessory for style. Could it be magic and grow as the weather requires? With that thought, wouldn't it be cool to design an umbrella that grew weather dependant, even an umbrella that grew to cover two, three or four people. I often share my umbrella with strangers as I cross the street in heavy rain, something that is always appreciated and nice to do. If I am without umbrella, I will jump in the empty space of another's umbrella because its gives me the chance to make a new friend and no one ever says "excuse me, no." Call me strange or brave, but I fill my life up with stranger's interactions, and believe my life is better for it in one sweet million ways. If we ever get to meet on a rainy day, please feel completely invited to jump under my umbrella and say "Hi Sugar Bee, nice to meet you at long last." And for you I will always have a big smile and maybe a sweet kiss on the cheek to say "very glad you came my way."

SUGARBEE XX   13/04/13

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Thank-You For . . .

How sweet is this, a shop closes and leaves a big thank-you note, as wide as the shop window to its loyal customers. I'm not sure which shop it was, for I was not a frequent shopper there, but it is signed by Anonymous Posh. I think Anonymous Posh is a play on words after the artist Hieronymous Bosch, someone who I haven't looked at for ages, and nice association, thanks for the tip, I get a trip down memory lane as well as to appreciate your appreciation. Here for all of you who wonder who Hieronymous Bosch is: http://www.hieronymus-bosch.org/, a rather dark figure who might have dreamed about, inspired or played with Salvador Dali. Research lends me knowledge where I learn Hieronymous Bosch was born in 1450, whereas Salvador Dali was born in 1904, so inspiration it must have been. And back to the photo, I like the last line, Love and luck and laughter always, which is exactly what I wish all my readers too.

SUGARBEE XX   12/04/13

Van And Ute Hire All The Way

Now here's a man who will see you right. I would like to introduce you to Kevin. Needing to move house a couple of years ago, I called Van & Ute hire, and with simplicity all was sorted. An automatic van, 24 hours rental, painless paperwork, return as taken and you are good to go. I've had the pleasure of using their services 3 times now, plus have introduced a friend and without fail, everytime it's a perfect affair. The van is picked up in good condition, full tank of gas, and clean. The vehicles are maintained as they should be and the service is efficient and with a smile. 100% satisfied, and since I don't own a car at the moment, it certainly helps that this business is only 50 metres at the most from the tram stop. They even offer to pick you up from the train station if they are able and you are coming by train. All and all, these are the boys to see when you need a van or ute. Businesses run this way are often connected with similar, like the petrol station across the road, their staff come out and fill the vehicle for you, just the way it used to be. Van & Ute hire can be found at 995 Mt Alexandra Road, Essendon, Melbourne. And thank-you Kevin and staff for all your help, I'll see you next time I have a load to move.

SUGARBEE XX   11/04/13

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

A Thing Of Beauty

Walking home one fine day, I see the most intense wasp I have ever seen, struggling upside down on the footpath. My response as always is to get down on to its level and flip my friend over, then encourage him onto my hand where I transport him slowly to the nearest vegetation, gently laying him down to sweet salvation. This is also away from impending danger of a heavy foot, or pushchair wheels which do terrible things without intention to a bug in their pathway. Sad really how unaware the human race is, how we just don't often see the smaller than us things. And why is this? Why do we not notice? Why are we in such a hurry to get on on way to whatever and miss all this cool stuff along the way? Sometimes I feel like the Red Cross for Insects International, a one man band rescuing at all costs things smaller than me in trouble in my pathway. And it is possible if you want to join me. I ride at night in winter, my bike sometimes on a footpath covered in snails and I make my way through this snail obstacle course with a 100% non-hit rate everytime. It's a skill and I wear my record with pride. Stand up for the little ones, stand up and I thank you all the way.

SUGARBEE XX   10/04/13

Monday, 8 April 2013

The Lady Who Held The World's Secrets In Her Heart

Standing still and watching the world go by, she gave me the impression she knew exactly what was happening all around her, every detail, large and small, close by and further out, like her knowledge reached to the ends of the earth. There was magic all over this lady. Could I have been on the set of Harry Potter? Quite likely I imagine. And coupled with all this was a dance in her stride, a smile to melt the hardest heart, as if satisfied with the world she knew. I asked to take her photo, she agreed quick as a jack rabbit jumping, posing left, posing right. Click, click, click, we're done. I have the feeling this moment will stay with me for a long time yet. Simply beautiful in the completeness of life, a wonderful happiness that travels through time.

SUGARBEE XX   09/04/13

The Tall Tall Tree

I love this tree, so tall and majestic and wonderful in all its expression of life. I look at this tree and want to sit underneath and dream all the solutions to the world's problems, and then I want to be a kid again and play toy soldiers like the little boy I am not. With dreams intensifying, I look at this tree and see a direct link to the sky and the clouds as if in a storm I could climb its forever length and upon reaching the top of my tree, I might stretch out my little hand and grasp a lightning bolt. It's then I'm suddenly an alchemist and transfer the power of the burning bolt into something magical, and directly useable, delivering it into the hands of the needy, like a real life Robin Hood. The next morning a flock of one million different and colourful birds fly west out of the tree around the world spreading love to every corner.

SUGARBEE XX   08/04/13

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Okay, Will Do

That's saying it in one word, it is a simple statement in reply, it offers thought to the viewer, it stands up for itself, it is non violent, it is a peaceful agreement and a protest all at once. It caught my eye and made me smile and that is enough to ask of any word in the circumstances. O.K. yes, I like it. And the next time someone pushes their authority onto me in a way I don't agree with, all I need to do is say O.K. and smile at the association, the implied agreement, the pending confusion, the simplicity, and the multi layered reply that I just delivered. Life is sweetest in simplicity.

SUGARBEE XX   07/04/13

Friday, 5 April 2013

Mini Donuts For Me

That's how I like it, $0.40 per donut, mini and a half a mouthful. Gives you that satisfied feeling and a sugar hit all in one, enough energy to run a mile and not much more. They make these little donuts in Preston, Melbourne at the vegan bakery and they serve you these donuts with a smile. Mmmm Mmm, I say as I munch away. It's yet another reason why living in Melbourne is so good.

SUGARBEE XX   06/04/13

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Sisters Unite

This might just be the sweetest thing I saw all day. These two look like strawberry cupcakes in the best cake shop in town. I suspect they are sisters, and to see them holding hands, says alot about how close they are and alot about the family bond. I'm not sure that they are twins, one just looks much taller, but imagine if the amount of twins in the world was multiplied by one million. It would still be a small percent of the overall population on earth, but it would be kinda cool and add to the visual atmosphere we live in. I think twins are cool; I would like to have been one. And if these girls are not twins, imagine then if all sisters dressed the same, that would be well funky too. Hmmm I wonder if we could organise an international Sisters and Brothers day, where all sisters and brothers dressed the same. I suspect people would make an extra effort dressing nice on the day. And whenever a single child was spotted among the crowds, a sister or a brother out there might give the single child a flower to say "have a nice day, share some of our family love." And that my readers is a glimpse at how I would like the world to be. 

SUGARBEE XX   05/04/13

A Bug For Me

I can't remember ever being afraid of bugs (sheep poo is another story), and most certainly I am not afraid of them now. I will often pick up a bug in harm's way or turn over a struggling bug. It just seems like the right thing to do. Spiders are my favourite, I have developed a great way to take any spider outside if it is in someone's house and they look ready to kill the spider. I let them make home in my house for sure. After all they deal with the fly population in summer and given the choice between a big old spider and a noisy buzzing fly, I'd take the spider any day. The beetle in the picture above was swimming in the water at a Gold Coast sea water pool, I lay my hand down near him and he voluntarily came over and onto my hand. These beetles have wings and will fly off when ready, they cause no harm and tickle as they roam over your fingers. He did not sting, he did not bite, shed, burn or fight. He was my friend for a minute that day and then he up and fly away.

SUGARBEE XX   04/04/13

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

That's Closed For Sure

I apologize that the sign on the door has come out so small in the photo (it says Closed), but all size aside, I thought this juxtaposition of signs was somewhat funny, and really cute as well. The store has closed, it is no more. It's a pity for Friends of Couture is a quaint and lovely store. Fear not Melbourne girls, there are still a small multitude of others around the town. And I think this shop space is now a restaurant, so fancy that.

SUGARBEE XX   03/04/13

Monday, 1 April 2013

The Sweetness Is In The Savour

I could certainly do with paying attention to the above instructions. Infact if I had read this card years ago, I might have consumed several hundred less kilos of chocolate than I have over time. Chocolate and coffee are my drugs, sad but true, for such behaviour plays havoc with my philosophies for a simple life. Take my jeans situation as an example of simple philosophy. I currently own one pair of jeans, am wearing them to the death, and loving it all the way. I probably need another pair very soon, for I am verging on threadbare landscape, but the point is I am fully appreciating the entire jeans experience. Over consumption is never a pretty thing. I can safely say I eat my way through the weight of my jeans in chocolate each week and it is now that the reality hits me, that's an expensive habit financially and health wise. So if am going to post this today, I really need to heed the advice, because otherwise I am a hypocrite and a fool. I don't mean to end on such a harsh tone, but a little body camp is well needed I think, so no harm done in that.

SUGARBEE XX   02/03/13

Christmas Comes Early

Someone in my neighbourhood loves Christmas so much that they are sharing the joy a while early. A long while considering that it is still March and Christmas isn't until December, but in my book, there is nothing wrong with that. Plus it is a very festive tree they have installed for the passing public to enjoy, weather proof as in it will stand up to the rain, and generally a whole bundle of warm well wishes associated with the tree. Yay for the people responsible for this piece of magic, yay for sharing, and generally yay all round. Merry Christmas everyone, may the rest of your year be simply magic!

SUGARBEE XX   01/04/13