Thursday 18 April 2013

My Pensive Monkey

Deep in thought and carrying the wisdom of the world, my pensive monkey sits on the shelf above my desk, watching over me while looking upward in conversation with God. My pensive monkey is at peace and contemplating things at the same time, and he is happy, not sad, even though he looks as if the ice cream van is half an hour late. As I happen to leave tiny pieces of banana close by, he thanks me by whispering the secrets of mathematics, and has taught me how best to bake bananas to his refined taste. Seeing how I believe everything in life is basically mathematics, I pretty much have the answers to all the world's problems sitting about a metre from my head whenever I am working at my desk. Well the solutions in figures anyhow, the implementation is a different ball game and quiet possible next week's lesson. My pensive monkey has already hinted at the implementation configuration, insisting it is deeply entwined in multiplication of emotion which should be read as a complex and intriguing understanding, but all in all, completely mathematical and so very possible to solve. I wait with bated breath.

SUGARBEE XX   18/04/13

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