Thursday 25 April 2013

Rolls Of Fabric

Rolls of fabric and I'm in heaven. This particular bin of bits has me salivating and wishing I owned a piece of furniture just like this. Bookshops, stationery shops, chemists and fabric shops are places I am happy and able to entertain myself for hours and hours and hours. In actual fact I have temporarily banned myself from entering bookshops for it either ends in a purchase I never get around to reading or a feeling that "Ohhh I could read and learn this or this or this" in which I realize I would need roughly another 150 lifetimes to complete the newly complied reading list. Hmmm best to stay home and read what I already own. It's the same with fabric, when I used to own a sewing machine, how many pieces of fabric did I own and not get around to sewing? This is a first world problem. And if we could gather all that fabric that sits waiting to be used and shipped it to a country less fortunate than ourselves, along with cotton, and anything else required to make a garment, I can happily imagine what would result. When will the world stop holding on and when will the world evenly distribute? Are we not just stealing beauty from ourselves? That is a question for the politians to ask themselves quietly.

SUGARBEE XX   25/04/13

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