Wednesday 17 April 2013

A Friend Is Someone Who Likes You

That's nice although a little simplified. Personally I think a friend is so much more, otherwise imagine how many friends the Queen would have, far too many to count, whereas I think to be someone's friend, it's far easier if you do like them. But then again you may be someone's friend and not like them at all, but for a number of other reasons you stick around, you are in a group, you enjoy the stimulating conversation they provide, you may watch out for them, help them in times of need, etc, but still not like them. Ahhhh language is a funny thing, you can say so much in so few words, you can confuse, argue, debate, rearrange, and decide all in one sentence. I love language and multiple meanings, I love implication and insinuation, I love a challenge in understanding exactly what the meanings behind words are. I am a word freak, I religiously look up dictionaries, I believe good spelling is a good thing and deeper than that, I love deciphering one persons statement so another can understand, I love playing with words, writing poems and paragraphs and creating whole worlds of fantasy with words. I've always been this way and I suspect I always will. Words are excellent things, and as time goes on, I am learning the importance of only saying positive things where possible, but that is constant effort, and another matter altogether. However I will wrap this up by telling you I can say the alphabet backwards and I'm rather proud of that little skill.

SUGARBEE XX   17/04/13

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