Friday 26 April 2013

My Bread Has A Secret Lfe

They conspire together to make the bread healthier, they wish so much all the bread was brown, but in their hearts they know, brown or white bread today is really just a choice of dye and so they quietly close their eyes and cry. Can you see two characters in contemplation? Do you see this and contemplate the state of the worlds food supply and decide to if possible grow your own garden? Are you aware of how home gardens are upgrading nowadays, many heading around the property to the front lawn, because really with all the space a front lawn provides, why not make something cool like vegetables on it? This link shows one particularly nice example on what some might consider a restricted amount of land. Silverbeat, fresh and homegrown, do you know how tasty it is, and how wonderfully large it can grew. Pumpkin, you only need a few for a winter long soup supply. Herbs, yes the flavour of the Gods. And the list goes on and on and on. Sure there is some work involved, the results would weigh in the favour of well worth it and read as happiness on a dinner plate. If you have land to plant a garden, I like a million or more other people are too. You are the lucky ones.

SUGARBEE XX   27/04/13

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