Saturday 17 November 2012

The Buddha Hand

If you have never seen one before you are not alone.  At first I was like "What?'' and then the super sweet French backpacking girl told me all about it. You are looking at a Buddha Hand, also known as a Cthulhu Fruit. Exactly how you pronounce that, I have no idea.  This is a citrus fruit, apparently used as a flavour or a scent in salads as opposed to a fruit to eat outright.  Since I am particularly unfamiliar with the Buddha Hand, before I go spreading untruths, let me link you to some gourmet information.  All you have to do now is find one. Good luck with that adventure, I suspect not every local park contains one friendly French backpacker with a selection of uncommon fruit on hand. Originating in Northeastern India and China, now common in Southern California according to's_Hand  The rest of the story is research as homework if you so desire, me I'm still playing aliens with my Buddha Hand and laughing all the way round the lounge.

SUGARBEE XX   18/11/12

1 comment:

  1. I finally found what I was looking for, I found the Ood. The Ood is a Dr Who character that shares remarkable resmeblembence to the Buddha Hand. will give you a grand visual explanation of what I'm referring to. Enjoy, SUGARBEE XX
