Wednesday 26 December 2012

A Ride In Time

There are lots of things I've yet to do and taking a ride around Melbourne in a carriage is differently on my list, along with a Hot Air Balloon Ride, the Trans-Siberian railway trip, climbing Mt Everest etc. Dreams dreams, dreams. But the carriage ride I can do soon, any day of the week. (Multitasking, picking a date and putting it in my diary, choosing who to take . . .)  I'd love to find out where they go, is there a choice of routes, or is it where ever you would like to go? Only the other day, I saw a family out and about in a classic carriage, toasting champagne and celebrating life and I thought how delightful. But why did I take the photo? It was early evening, the time when you can feel a change is in the air, you can't yet see it, but you know the dark is not far off, and I saw the pink light, luminous and inviting, and instantly I somehow thought of Dr. Who, and imagined how incredible it would be to actually take a ride in one of these carriages and slip through into another dimension, it had been a long day, I was dog tired, very hungry and prone to fantasy.  Find a way to ride by visiting, or grab Alex on 0425 709 911

SUGARBEE XX   26/12/12

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