Thursday 20 December 2012

Lvylia An Artist

Things around me pique my interest constantly. On a tram the other day, I met Lvylia. Standing in front of me, fingers moving in a way I hadn't seen anyone ever manipulate a smartphone screen before. So I asked "Excuse me, what are you doing?" And the pleasant reply came "I'm drawing" and then I was shown the screen and then I was blown away. The drawing here was only partly complete, it was created freehand (if you can apply that term to drawing on a electronic device) and I find that worthy of Wow.  I suspect Lvylia is very good at this and has produced a number of drawings similar. But what struck me the most was how Lvylia was putting time to good use when 99.9% of the people on public transport do nothing more than stare into blank space, looking grumpy. Good on you! To you who are inspiring, talented, and friendly with a beautiful smile, I say THANK-YOU xx

SUGARBEE XX   21/12/12

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou so much!

    I agree with you on people staring into blank space on transport.

    Have a good Christmas!
