Monday 31 December 2012

Creatures Alive And Well

Street art done right, the world is pumping with it and what a journey from the streets of New York City way back when. This piece was painted by a girl who turned up one day and kept going until it was complete, so the story goes, and I think West Preston has appreciated her efforts ever since. I certainly do and I would give you more information on this piece and the artist if I had it, but I don't so all we can do is appreciate the work together. Its dinner time as I write this and now I very much want to eat a burger, possibly due to starring at the picture for a while, infact definitely due to starring at this picture, because I never want to eat burger otherwise. But dinner aside I think there is value in knowing the history of street art, graffiti and tagging.  Without tagging there is so much amazing art that wouldn't exist at all. There are a multitude of sources you can look at, and if you have a decent library at your fingertips, start there. And if there is no decent library in your city/hometown, may I go out on a limb and say consider moving to somewhere that has a decent library, your life will be ever richer for it.

SUGARBEE XX   01/01/13

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