Thursday 27 December 2012

Mole Has A Name

There was a show on TV in the 1970's for kids, from memory a short show, 5 mins maybe, no dialogue and a very simple format. The mole would walk above ground, dig holes, do things, tunnel, come up and repeat it all over again. This is entranced me severely, and to this day I have it only in memory, maybe I remember it all wrong, but recently I found a jigsaw featuring the mole and I think I squealed in excitement. Now finally I am googling is and let's see what I find. First aired 1956, in Prague, and very popular in Central Europe, India, China, Russia and Japan. So now I understand why I've only ever seen toys etc of Mole in Asian style shops in Australia. Mole is named Krtek and 50 episodes were made from 1963 onwards. The production of cartoons must have been so much slower than today.  Krtex was "voice-overed" by the creator's daughters and so it could be internationally enjoyed by children the world over, only short non figurative exclamations were ever used to express feelings and perceptions of the world. and not a lot else is there to be found except this one gem: At least I know he was real and kids half a world away from me loved him too, because I've only ever met one other person who knew Mole.

SUGARBEE XX   29/12/12

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