Saturday, 30 March 2013

George's Building

My my, isn't George's building rather nice, it has style all over it, and a shade of pretty pink is quite appropriate considering they manufacture lingerie. It's a building that brings the sunshine to the suburbs and don't we just love that lots. Okay so I have never been inside the doors of George's building, and I imagine inside is quite industrial. But if you know me at all by now, you might guess I'd prefer to sit across the road and daydream this is the entrance to Willy Wonkas Chocolate factory and that I am very happy and all is right in the world. Okay, my dream is partly right already because I am very happy and life is good with an imagination like mine. What do you think about when you see George's Lingerie building? Do you see things that please the eye? Does your mind beg you to take a peek inside? Does your mind fly away like mine? Could we sit down together and write a broadway play that rocks the theatre world centred around this pretty pink building and all it's inhabitants? If you are up for it, be sure to Sugar Bee know.

SUGARBEE XX   31/03/13

Friday, 29 March 2013

One Day Out Riding

One day out riding . . .  one sight among the many you see.  Riding gives you a different perspective for life. What often is seen as an oh-no to everyone else, riding gives you a challenge, an outcome of fun, squeals, excitement and covered in mud. Hell Yeah often escapes from my throat, and that's when the soft sweet feminine side of me turns into the speed demon ready to roll.  Seeing a underpass like this only makes my blood run fast, my energy jumps many notches northward and my nerves steal always ready for a potential crash, preferring it not to happen, but secretly loving it when it does. It's a passion shared the world over, a love affair between you and your bike. I'll always ride, I know this for sure, it's in my blood. I remember the first ride I took alone, Daddy teaching me to ride, holding the bike behind me, letting me believe he was there until I hear him say "You're on your own kiddo, ride like the wind." Okay maybe they weren't his exact words, maybe I turned around and freaked out a little as I realised he was too far behind me to be holding on anymore, but whatever the details, I remember that ride, and ever since I have been riding and loving it. I've crashed plenty, scars to tell the tales, hospital stays and all, these are the memories I've earnt and they were worth every tear. Me and my bike, friends for life.

SUGARBEE XX   30/03/31

The Milk Is On Me

The milkshake is a sweet delight in life, the milkshake is a great way to say goodbye to afternoon blues and hello to a little piece of heaven. Mmmmm Mmmmm I love milk, but I especially love milkshakes, chocolate milkshakes, vanilla, or strawberry. And above you can see the end result and a half of strawberry afternoon break. This one, a special one was consumed at Two Trees in West End Brisbane, a favourite place the few times I get the chance to visit. It's a friendly espresso bar built on love.  And aside from the taste, the presentation is something else, sweetness in itself, paper straws and all. That's a yum yummy yum yum for anyone who knocks on their door.  So if you are in West End, be sure to visit Two Trees and relax the day away.

SUGARBEE XX   29/03/13

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Toy Trains Come To Life

If I have stated it 1000 times, I have stated it 1000 more, I love trains like I love life. This photo was taken standing at the city side of the North Melbourne train station. And to be honest I'm not sure the blog platform here is doing justice to the photo taken, but I would still prefer to share it with you than not. Trains for me are exciting, they are about going places, being carrying away to never never land. Looking out the window of a moving train is like watching a movie in real time, where you get to make up the story as it unfolds. Train stations get me going to, especially the big stations, and that is all of the station, the entrance, the escalators, the platforms, looking over the train lines, seeing the great mechanical machines roll in and out of the station, the over head announcements and the people going places. I can't help it, like a kid on a massive sugar rush handed down from the devil himself, I feel my insides tingle, my eyes open far further, it's like I have slipped out of me and become a part of all the energy around me, simply fascinating and wonderful. A joy to behold in my life every time I take a train. 

SUGARBEE XX   28/03/13

Barrel Of Monkeys

Now if you see a monkey out of the Barrel of Moneys barrel, I love you more than life itself, and that is like a monster load of love. I saw him straight away; this one has the right arm looped back into itself as if to say "Where are the rest of my mates? I am lonely so I will solve this one by giving myself a hug." Barrel of Monkeys was a favourite of mine as a child, and trying to find you a link, I came across this piece of Chicago positivity: which is some feel good for you right there. But of course it's over to Wikipedia for the full story, in which I realize it is about time I maybe donate money to Wikipedia, for I have certainly gotten my share of information from them. And while I am on a roll, lets round everything off today with a video that made me smile:

SUGARBEE XX   27/03/13

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Icing Cakes

She is icing cakes, or hole-less doughnuts, or puff muffins or some such thing. And the flavour is? Hmm let's see, coffee maybe. Coffee buns for sale here, freshly iced, get them before the lunchtime rush, before they all go. That makes me wonder how a cafe, bakery or muffin shop knows just how many items of any one type to make and bake. How long does it take to sort out these details when you sell food? And with all factors taken into account, the season changes on you, as seasons do, and your data collection goes west out the window so you find yourself back at the start of the game. But on a positive note, today's post has eliminated the possibility that I might own a business in food. I quite frankly don't have the patience to work all those details out, or to be completely honest food does not excite me nearly enough to want to work with it. Either way I hope this lady is happy in her job and I wish her well. 

SUGARBEE XX   26/03/13

Monday, 25 March 2013

No Smoking

I am forever grateful that I never smoked cigarettes. It is a curse on society, and unfortunately the curse is usually realised by a smoker a long time after starting. But all that aside, I spotted this sign and thought it was very cute indeed. The photo doesn't actually give a great indication of size, it is approximately a foot wide. My eyes are tricking me looking at the sign; I'm thinking it is a tiny sign; 3 cm wide, stating its demand to all who enter the area it guards. The area at the time was being worked on by cable people, and the rest is guess work, for I didn't stop to ask what they were cabling. And that's fine, one mystery I don't need solved, for it is irrelevant to my posting today. Because today I post this as support for a friend of mine who told me he was quitting as of now. Good Luck Sunshine, it's worth it, you're worth it :) x.

SUGARBEE XX   25/03/13

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Hot Tea & Tea Egg

And then some beautiful soul goes and delivers a point of difference to the landscape. Halfway along Spring St, between Preston and Reservoir in Melbourne's northern suburbs is a milkbar that offers hot tea and tea egg. Now I have to confess I have not partaken of this delight as yet, because silly me, I let life get in the way. I imagine it is quite a wonderful thing to enjoy. So I've done the next best thing and gone to Wikipedia to investigate, where I have just learnt that tea eggs are sold in Seven-7's in Taiwan. and where I learnt that I can make my own, which considering the amount of eggs I eat, is probably completely possible and a good idea at the same time. That is free range eggs to be sure. And on that note, considering tea eggs are huge in Asia, and considering the number of eggs eaten in Asia, I wonder what the production of eggs was like a number of years ago, pre the modernization of China. Were eggs farmed the way nature intended or did they produce eggs the way the west so often does in cruel factory conditions? It would be an interesting study and if the answer is the way nature intended, then the argument for factory farmed eggs has even less weight than it perceives that it does.

SUGARBEE XX   24/03/13

Friday, 22 March 2013

Superb Cat Art

I perceive this maybe one of Melbourne's oldest pieces of street art. I have no idea if that is true or not, it is simply that it looks old and old through time and wear, as opposed to looking old through technique. And maybe also because the art is "super super" as opposed to being stylized cool. If you are not familiar with the term super super, fear not, for super super is a term I just created. I often do that, make up phrases and terms to fit things; it is "my little poetry in action." So what do I mean by super super? By that I mean excellent, natural, effortless yet superb, delivered straight from the heavens. On the right side of the photo is an image of the cat in situ (in situation). I invite you to observe the building directly in the front of the photo. How wonderful is that? It's like a gothic statue all grown up, with ghosts hiding and witches brewing and all manner of choas going down. And even though its style period does not match the cat art, it builds nicely on the theory that the cat art might be one of Melbourne's oldest pieces of street art. And whatever the verdict is, it is yet another reason why I Love Melbourne!

SUGARBEE XX   23/03/13

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Toothpick If You Dare

You see 
to me
it looks like
it's about to 
take off
outer space
with a super jet pack
to its back
oh yeah 
and you're invited 
for the ride . . .
                       and one hundred other silly ditties that I like to write each day.

SUGARBEE XX   22/03/13

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The Baby Shoe

Cute, no bells or whistles on this one, just cute cute cute. They don't make them in adult sizes so I'm a little sad about that, but you never know, Converse have their own make to order service, maybe I can get some in big people size. Hmmm what would I choose, the colours and patterns, ohhhh I could go almost mad designing my own trainers, I would want to get a couple of hundred pairs designed, but then I don't think I could find the time to wear them all. Actually truth be told, I'm not sure if I have enough time to design that many either, just for personal fun and all. But on the off chance you feel like getting all creative for your feet, here's the link: In the mean time take a look at the photo above and get your dose of cute for the day.

SUGARBEE XX   21/03/13

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

A Challenge In Acceptable

Once upon a time considered racist, then back in boutique vogue. Golly Wogs. Yes, living in Australia I can see how that definitely has racial overtones, which is very unfortunate for racism is not a nice thing, but a Golly Wog is a rather superb item in any toy chest. Something loved and adored. This one is a Golly Doily, something extra special and previously unseen in my visual spectrum until I laid my eyes upon it, hanging lonely in a dressing room, shining its own brand of happy upon all who cared to look. And very happy it is, quite sweet as well. But I'm not brave enough to delve deeper into its history in case I find something untoward and not very pleasant. Is this what they call putting your head in the sand? Maybe, or maybe I only wish to see happy for some time and is there anything wrong with that? But as I write this another thought pops up, I wonder what percentage of children in the world get at least one own toy in childhood to call their own? I imagine there are millions of kids who grow up never owning a teddy or dolly or what have you. That is a sobering thought, and delays my "only happy" reality for a while yet replaces it with something better, a note to express gratefulness, right along with awareness.

SUGARBEE XX   20/03/13

Monday, 18 March 2013

It's The End Of The Day

It's the end of the day and I love it. Walking home one day, I turned and looked this way and saw there right before my very eyes, a scene to set my heart of fire, a scene of glory, a scene worth gold, a scene of the sun going down below, under to horizon to the other side, it had people to wake up, and us to leave, for the company of the moon was on its way to come and play and lace magic and love into our dreams. This was a pivotal moment in my day; it simply took my breath away. I remember taking the photo, being wholly satisfied and delighted and entranced and elated, that I stopped people in the street to show and share the image with them, and every single one of them was well pleased that I had taken the time to do this and secretly I think we all felt like we for a moment in time were living in San Francisco. 

SUGARBEE XX   19/03/13

Chocolate Tools

There are things that the Swiss do particularly well, Swiss Army Knives and Chocolate high on the list. Here we have the perfect marriage of both, the chocolate Swiss Army Knife. Handy and sweet rolled into one, isn't that lovely. I wonder at what's an appropriate age to give this lolly to your child while maintaining the title of a good parent? What are the circumstances that affect judgment of the situation? What if little Johnny was a rebel, always on the prowl for trouble? Or maybe sweet Simon had just gained a badge at Scouts and this was a small celebration? Who knows, but I think that question proves one thing in life, judging people is fraught with pot holes, for without all the information we are placing opinion of things we may not fully understand. I shall ponder that conclusion now while I prepare to wander to the kitchen, reach up to the top shelf and collect the chocolate tin, take a stroll to the fridge, grab a bottle of milk, and then return to my writing table and decide how good am I really at being non-judgmental. 

SUGARBEE XX   18/03/13

Freight Train Travelling

Coal, rocks, grain, sands, cans, and resources aplenty make their way across the country night and day, in freight cars on trains. Where are they going? How long does the journey take? How many cars in the train? What are all the different things that travel by train? And many more questions I have. Here lay the answers I love trains, I could happy sit and watch them roll by all day every day for at least a year. I'd record every train I saw, with descriptions included, and then of course I would have to find out about the different trains and train lines. I'd be expert at counting the cars, and I would come to recognize any train markings, get to know what type of things were carried in what type of cars or if it was a mix for all, next on the rank filled with a current order of stones, grain, sand or cans etc. And I would dream of stealthily jumping on a car one day and hitching a ride cross country, an adventure taken once but repeated over and over, as long as I had a warm coat, water bottle, a stack of jam sandwiches and a handful of dates. Oh the freedom and the thrill, with scenery rushing by. Simply heaven for a girl like me.

SUGARBEE XX   17/03/13

Friday, 15 March 2013

A Super Mare You Might Know

Today I wish to read you a story; this is the story of Sinclair Super Mare.
     "Hello Chap, see look closely and you'll recognize me, yes that's it, I'm Misty the Wonder Pony all grown up, and I've taken a fancy to being called Sinclair Super Mare, Love it!!!"

SUGARBEE XX   16/03/13

A Clear Sky

Once upon a time I would sit in my classroom and thrill because there were large windows to look out. And lucky for me, large windows appeared semi often in my school career. So why large windows? Large windows provided a large view, which in turn provided opportunity to challenge myself by finding a clear sky out there. I would shift around in my seat trying desperately to find the solid colour blue. There could be no clouds, and no tops of buildings ruining my view, this was simply not allowed in my young mind. It had to be pure, uninterrupted blue and until I found that scene, I would search and search and search. And when I found my perfect blue view, life was so sweet, and I would slip into that blue without abandon, no longer in the classroom, off on an adventure though nothing but space, clarity, no thoughts, no words, no birds, nothing but blue. It was a feeling of freedom, perfection, and perhaps traits of an obsessive compulsion that never took hold. What did I miss instead? Not a lot I assume, I turned out just fine, I managed to follow enough to get through, but what did I gain? An eternal world view, a place to go in times of pain, a sense of serenity, and a space to process thoughts clearly. This I believe was also the perfect training ground for my imagination. I say build all classrooms with big windows, let children's minds run free, and celebrate daily whatever they see. 

SUGARBEE XX   15/03/13

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Welcome To The Kingdom Of Dreams

Welcome to the Kingdom of Dreams. This is the gatekeeper who wishes you safely on your way as you slip deeper into the night rhythm, on your way to play in dream land, where anything can and does happen. Now while the gatekeeper may look a burly, even a little angry, he needs to be this way to frighten off all the frightening things and to be able to frighten off all the frightening things, he needs to look more frightening than they are. If you think he doesn't look very frightening, remember the things he is frightening are actually very scared of him and that works out nicely, because he can't be too scary or else he would frighten you off. And that's why most of your dreams are nice dreams, but what about the bad dreams then? How do they get through into dreamland you ask? Well there is a backdoor, it's old and doesn't shut properly. It's a sorry state of affairs, but such is life and in the end, it just makes the good dreams feel better.

SUGARBEE XX   14/03/13

A Day At The Beach

Bliss, eternal sunshine, clarity, heat, and dreams. Welcome to the beach that seems to stretch for miles uninterrupted and beautiful all at the same time. How far to run? How many cartwheels to turns? How does the sand feel as it slides through your toes? Yes, this is bliss. The beach above is Altona Beach, the last port of call for Zone One train fares, far enough out that you can justify a day trip to the beach and get very excited on the way out there. And let's not forget Altona beach feels like this year round. Okay sure it's less warm in winter, but that's when winter charm weaves its way in and delivers ultra fresh in its place. I couldn't say a bad thing about Altona Beach; I have a place for it in my heart, perhaps because for so long it was the final destination and then mid way point on a number of bike rides I've taken. The feeling of arrived. Walk a few minutes west of the bridge (actual west which is to the right side in the photo) you encounter wave boarders doing their thing all weekend, and perhaps one day I will give this a go, but for now I'm happy arriving here and feeling the sand slide through my toes.

SUGARBEE XX   13/03/13

Monday, 11 March 2013

Circles In The Park

Sculpture is a grand thing, often great on a grand scale. Take Henry Moore as an example, he made massive sculptures that dwarfed the viewer in abstraction. Works that ask you think about things, maybe reform opinions on life. This is an art form that provokes discussion and splits opinion. Sometimes it's very open to interpretation, sometimes obvious in intention. It is dependent on a number of factors, the artist, the audience, the environment, and of course the work at hand. I can't tell you who made the circle sculptures above, approximately 5 foot high, but I can tell you that I tend to see the immediate possibilities for climbing, and these circles in the park score medium points, a jungle gym would score higher. Why medium points? The circles provide a challenge to climb on, a small amount of swing positions, high amount of balancing, and great jumping options if you are already a seasoned jumper. Add some bars, net ladder, hooks etc and we are getting closer to a high score, but the sculpture side of things is transforming out of existence, so let's rescue it back by placing a smaller circle inside one here and suddenly you have sculpture and excellent climbing frame in one and the monkey in me in heaven. But seriously folks, there is one sculpture that beats all others hands down and I'm very happy to share it with you here, the link is too long, so in Google Image Search enter: Giant Rubber Ducky and have a very happy rest of the day.

SUGARBEE XX   12/03/13

Tickets Please

Presenting the age of human tram ticket patrol. Friendly, efficient and reliable. Greeted with a smile, affordable and recognisable. Easy to operate, straight forward and honest. I want to keep it positive so I will not compare a worked perfectly retired system with that which has replaced it. Instead let's have a moments silence for the end of common sense. Back in the day you bought your tickets on board the tram, the conductors were proud and helpful and operated for 113 years, a perfect piece of history. Someone without a heart in government removed the tram conductors from the trams back in 1998 and the following link with give you an interesting run down of trams in Melbourne and Kolkata, India, the only two cities outside Europe with operating currently trams  The following link gives you information on an exhibition in Melbourne about trams and with this information at hand, I might have to take a stroll along and see the exhibition. 

SUGARBEE XX   11/03/13

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Now That Is A Bike!

That is a serious bike, built for conquering incredible terrain. I love to ride, I love my bike, mine is a sleek machine that carries me anywhere and everywhere I need to go, red, fast and awesome. And many riders feel the same about their bikes. It is a love affair of sorts, it gets to the point where you don't want anyone else to even sit on your bike, a few tinkers here and there and your ride is all out of whack. That's just icky, not to mention dangerous. But back to the bike above, those tyres, (approximately 3 times fatter than standard tyres) imagine the bounce you can get, there is no suspension, so the mechanics simplify and the weight drops. I could pick this bike up with one hand easy, it is a lightweight god of the road. No getting caught in tram tracks, no worrying about small obstacles anymore, just roll right on over the top. Maybe this bike is just over the top? Until I ever get to ride it, I cannot say, I have to leave that judgement up to the owners. But I can confidentially state it looks like a whole lot of fun, not to mention it is the meanest looking bike I have ever laid eyes on.

SUGARBEE XX   10/03/13

Friday, 8 March 2013

Cafe Five Is Alive

I can only see 5 and there are more than 5 balls in that jar, so either I am reading it wrong or it's an optical illusion. Maybe all the 5's are talking to me; it's too loud and would be better if there were only 5 in the jar. They definitely have 5 printed on them, but I wonder now how many balls are in the jar. Likely about 22, give or take a few, which leaves us with approx 110 units of nothing to work with. Nothing because the jar is sealed and the master threw away the key. I will have a strong latte please, because after all I am seated at Cafe 5, Centre Place, Melbourne, its fun in here, it's easy to have crazy conversation with strangers and there is a life size toy tiger watching you and the others as the day wears on. And suddenly I have a solution to my problem; I shall ask the Tiger how many balls are in the jar. He is the only one who knows, because he watched the master fill and seal the jar, then throw away the key. You know what happened then don't you, the Tiger ate the master and the key along with the fate of the balls was lost forever. Sometimes life is a hard roll.

SUGARBEE XX   09/03/13

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Hachi Is Waiting

Central Melbourne houses a most excellent T-Shirt shop. Aoi can be found in the Red Lane of the QV complex or if you get itchy fingers immediately check them out online too. Aoi are a Japanese design wonderland who make cotton and bamboo t-shirts that fit and wear well, have cool designs and use posters like above to promote their product. Pretty much I was sold on the concept first walking into the store, but Hachi sealed the deal. It in the details like the lay out, the welcoming staff, and a high strike rate of having the t-shirt design I really want available in my size. Aoi sell T-shirts so the stock is not out of financial reach like a new Rolls Royce for most people, but the quality and style will have you feeling fresh and funky regardless. Quality is a must for t-shirts; otherwise they end up looking rough and find life as painting shirts etc. I have Aoi shirts that after 2 years still like spick and span. I'm telling you it is quality that makes all the difference. This store happens to score a high grade of quality in all areas of their business. Yay for them, Yay for Aoi and yay for Hachi.

SUGARBEE XX   08/03/13

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Young Love

Young love is the sweetest thing ever, and if those two aren't in love, I'm not sure what love is. The posture, the holding hands and the longing look into each other's eyes. She is very happy, and we can assume he is too, and that happiness is infectious. It made me smile; it likely made a number of people passing by smile too. I don't know who they are, just kids out and about, but I wish them well. Young love rarely last, but it stands you in good stead for future life. I wonder if these two are still together, that however is not my concern, that is in the hands of cupid.

SUGARBEE XX   07/03/13

The Village Life

Here we have the local village closest to the place I currently call home. Preston West Village. What you can't see are the boutique cafes, shops, a friendly IGA (should stand for Independent Grocers of Awesomeness), the post office and a fish & chip shop. What you can see however is a collection of wires threading their way across the sky, too low for planes, perfect for utilities like lighting, phones and power in amongst tram wires. This is the busy, this is industry pumping along day and night, keeping us powered and safe and arriving on time. What catches my eye is the juxtaposition of busy next to old drab lifeless buildings looking like they house curtain sellers or accountants, and such things. Preston West is a funny mix, and as much as I don't find the building in the photo with vertical blinds attractive, I would almost be sad to see it change. It represents long hot summers that never end, something akin to a cowboy town. I imagine a river flowing not far from here, maybe a street or two behind what we see,  railway lines carrying no more than one train per day, and of course an old walk bridge that sits above the rail lines to keep the towns folk safe when crossing. I once walked across such a bridge when I was young, holding Poppas hand, in a place much like this, named Huntly which I assume hasn't much changed in all those years. 

SUGARBEE XX   06/03/13

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

A Lantern Is Falling

This is a collection of lanterns falling down down down. Eventually they must hit the ground, unless this is the edge of the earth in which case the lanterns would fall forever into outer space. Imagine hitching a ride into outer space on a Chinese lantern. The perfect vehicle for when you realized you were approaching tired you could simply turn around and climb up the strand back to earth. But then low and behold physics gets in the way and here's why: Your return climb would have to be at least twice as fast as the outgoing journey, depending on the speed of the fall. You are now going against the tide, and having to move, as opposed to being carried, so some serious work is involved. And it’s not only a climb, more of an obstacle race as each lantern requires you to move your body around rather than just up. Did you come with safety gear? It needs to be accounted for because of its weight and design. How heavy is this safety gear? Are you required to clip and unclip the heavy harness? Is it comfortable gear to carry or clunky and difficult? Suddenly you see the time it takes to get you home has increased by a factor of many. How far did you let yourself be carried? Not too far I hope. Perhaps just see the lanterns fall and dream of where they go, then toddle off to the kitchen, make yourself a peanut butter sandwich and be grateful that home is where you are right now.

SUGARBEE XX   05/03/13

Monday, 4 March 2013

A Jumping Bear

This little bear is jumping off the page he is so excited that you have come for a visit. This little bear he does so care that you came for a visit.  This little bear was unaware that you were on your way over until I whispered in his ear that you were already halfway here. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, this little bear does care. This little bear loves the fact that you have come to say hello, this little bear pulls you up a chair and offers scones with jam. This little bear, his name is Sam. This little bear has a pet lamb. Hooray for a small bear named Sam who happily owns a woolly lamb. You said no to the scones and jam and now Sam and his lamb will eat all the jam with gusto. Such is the tale we tell.

And might I just say a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Grandpa! x

SUGARBEE XX   04/03/13

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Feed The Birds

This event always makes me smile. I love nature, and I love little birds, and I especially love the songs they sing in their morning hour. I believe it is around 4 am that birds wake up, before the sun rises, in fact they may just be the earliest risers on earth. So when you see a sparrow like this one cleaning up crumbs mid day, keep in mind for him or her it may well be late afternoon, maybe the last snack of the day. This has me wondering what the routine of the average sparrow is and indeed how different is a sparrows routine from say a pigeon, a tui, or even an emu is. I say appreciate the birds, love the birds, feed the birds but keep it healthy, apparently white bread does nasty things to a birds belly. Enjoy their company but dare to imagine a world with no birds. Designed that way I wonder what would stand in the place of birds, if anything, and I wonder if there were no birds, how that might affect our design, keeping in mind that nature is perfectly built to fit together. Would we have wings? I might like that, born to fly.

SUGARBEE XX   03/03/13

Friday, 1 March 2013

Number 470

Today is a short write up, I am running tight on time, but the poetry in this comes in where 470 is quite a large number, depending on its relationships in time. Enjoy that thought, maybe find 470 little things you love along the way. Until next time . . .

SUGARBEE XX   02/03/13