Saturday 23 March 2013

Hot Tea & Tea Egg

And then some beautiful soul goes and delivers a point of difference to the landscape. Halfway along Spring St, between Preston and Reservoir in Melbourne's northern suburbs is a milkbar that offers hot tea and tea egg. Now I have to confess I have not partaken of this delight as yet, because silly me, I let life get in the way. I imagine it is quite a wonderful thing to enjoy. So I've done the next best thing and gone to Wikipedia to investigate, where I have just learnt that tea eggs are sold in Seven-7's in Taiwan. and where I learnt that I can make my own, which considering the amount of eggs I eat, is probably completely possible and a good idea at the same time. That is free range eggs to be sure. And on that note, considering tea eggs are huge in Asia, and considering the number of eggs eaten in Asia, I wonder what the production of eggs was like a number of years ago, pre the modernization of China. Were eggs farmed the way nature intended or did they produce eggs the way the west so often does in cruel factory conditions? It would be an interesting study and if the answer is the way nature intended, then the argument for factory farmed eggs has even less weight than it perceives that it does.

SUGARBEE XX   24/03/13

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