Friday 29 March 2013

One Day Out Riding

One day out riding . . .  one sight among the many you see.  Riding gives you a different perspective for life. What often is seen as an oh-no to everyone else, riding gives you a challenge, an outcome of fun, squeals, excitement and covered in mud. Hell Yeah often escapes from my throat, and that's when the soft sweet feminine side of me turns into the speed demon ready to roll.  Seeing a underpass like this only makes my blood run fast, my energy jumps many notches northward and my nerves steal always ready for a potential crash, preferring it not to happen, but secretly loving it when it does. It's a passion shared the world over, a love affair between you and your bike. I'll always ride, I know this for sure, it's in my blood. I remember the first ride I took alone, Daddy teaching me to ride, holding the bike behind me, letting me believe he was there until I hear him say "You're on your own kiddo, ride like the wind." Okay maybe they weren't his exact words, maybe I turned around and freaked out a little as I realised he was too far behind me to be holding on anymore, but whatever the details, I remember that ride, and ever since I have been riding and loving it. I've crashed plenty, scars to tell the tales, hospital stays and all, these are the memories I've earnt and they were worth every tear. Me and my bike, friends for life.

SUGARBEE XX   30/03/31

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