Tuesday 5 March 2013

A Lantern Is Falling

This is a collection of lanterns falling down down down. Eventually they must hit the ground, unless this is the edge of the earth in which case the lanterns would fall forever into outer space. Imagine hitching a ride into outer space on a Chinese lantern. The perfect vehicle for when you realized you were approaching tired you could simply turn around and climb up the strand back to earth. But then low and behold physics gets in the way and here's why: Your return climb would have to be at least twice as fast as the outgoing journey, depending on the speed of the fall. You are now going against the tide, and having to move, as opposed to being carried, so some serious work is involved. And it’s not only a climb, more of an obstacle race as each lantern requires you to move your body around rather than just up. Did you come with safety gear? It needs to be accounted for because of its weight and design. How heavy is this safety gear? Are you required to clip and unclip the heavy harness? Is it comfortable gear to carry or clunky and difficult? Suddenly you see the time it takes to get you home has increased by a factor of many. How far did you let yourself be carried? Not too far I hope. Perhaps just see the lanterns fall and dream of where they go, then toddle off to the kitchen, make yourself a peanut butter sandwich and be grateful that home is where you are right now.

SUGARBEE XX   05/03/13

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