Monday 11 March 2013

Circles In The Park

Sculpture is a grand thing, often great on a grand scale. Take Henry Moore as an example, he made massive sculptures that dwarfed the viewer in abstraction. Works that ask you think about things, maybe reform opinions on life. This is an art form that provokes discussion and splits opinion. Sometimes it's very open to interpretation, sometimes obvious in intention. It is dependent on a number of factors, the artist, the audience, the environment, and of course the work at hand. I can't tell you who made the circle sculptures above, approximately 5 foot high, but I can tell you that I tend to see the immediate possibilities for climbing, and these circles in the park score medium points, a jungle gym would score higher. Why medium points? The circles provide a challenge to climb on, a small amount of swing positions, high amount of balancing, and great jumping options if you are already a seasoned jumper. Add some bars, net ladder, hooks etc and we are getting closer to a high score, but the sculpture side of things is transforming out of existence, so let's rescue it back by placing a smaller circle inside one here and suddenly you have sculpture and excellent climbing frame in one and the monkey in me in heaven. But seriously folks, there is one sculpture that beats all others hands down and I'm very happy to share it with you here, the link is too long, so in Google Image Search enter: Giant Rubber Ducky and have a very happy rest of the day.

SUGARBEE XX   12/03/13

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