Friday 4 January 2013

Candy, Not War

There are all sorts of lovely candy in the world, and if you ask me, there is lovely candy all over this t-shirt. War, do we need it anymore? Is it not the game of a group of politicians making money? Sure the facts and figures and reasons are complicated, and most definitely there are sections of society that could do with containment, but what has war positively achieved in the last little while? Michael Moore recently wrote a great piece on "I support the troops" clearly telling why this is such a hollow message. Friday 4th January. So I didn't intend to come here and wage an argument on War, but surely there is a better way to do things. You don't see China going into to deal with the Taliban and can you imagine how fast the Taliban would end if 3 million Chinese soldiers mowed across the Taliban territory. That would put an end to the whole silly "we are the police of the world" attitude that America has. Come on people, evolve past war, let's get over our prejudice, our ownership of others, let's turn up the care factor and warp speed the clean up.  Let's stop fur fashion, gay hate, the banning of education, the restriction of self grown food, let's stop whaling, hunting tours, child prostitution, prawn farms and more. Let's band together and make the world a better place. Here's a heart warming story from the WWF, And if you want a tip on how to get involved in positivity in the world I can offer you the best piece of information I have ever found

SUGARBEE XX   05/01/13

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