Wednesday 9 January 2013

The Piano That Brings You Joy

Here is one of the most beautiful and delightful things in the world, a piano waiting to be played at the local market.  It sits all day and all night accessible to anyone, donated by Greys Pianos, so 55,000 points to them. This piano has bought me much joy. And the best story goes a little something like this: Recently I am walking home from a friend's house, strolling through the empty market place, and decide to sit and play awhile.  I'm not a trained player, but regardless I'm strumming my fingers across the keys to a tune made up in my mind, I'm playing with sound, and learning at the same time. At some point, a homeless man sits quietly behind me, we acknowledged each other and he encourages me to continue, so I do. Lost in my creation, about half hour later, I turned and took a play bow for my audience. The response was worth it "Thank-you, I have been sitting here with my eyes closed and your music has allowed me to work out some of my anger." I smiled and thanked him back. We swapped seats. He played for a while and that's when I felt the heavens open up. This man with no home and a hard story, played like angel, and sung with a powerful voice as I sat there too stunned to move. These are the moments in life waiting for everyone if only you take a chance and open your heart to what is all around you.

SUGARBEE XX   10/01/13

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