Tuesday 29 January 2013

The Australian Bureau of Worthiness

Meet Emma, she is a royal Australian gem! She is on a mission to find out what sets our hearts on
fire. You will find Emma at various festivals and community gatherings, set up in her sunshine cabin
looking smart and very approachable. It was this very vision I found recently and so I came forth
asking what is The Australian Bureau of Worthiness? Emma introduced herself and set about telling
me a small tale that wrapped delight and surprise on my face. The Australian Bureau of Worthiness
is all about finding out who you are and what makes your day worth it. I imagine there is a plethora
of answers that come her way, and every single one she respects and jogs down in the journal set
upon the desk. And what is the purpose of The Australian Bureau of Worthiness. It is to gather this
information together, where it will be edited in the writing room by Emma and her band of merry
men as they create a play upon the very themes and answers she has gathered. Certainly I find this
a worthy cause, it gave me a moment’s pleasure just rattling off my answer, I imagine it gives others
who volunteer their stories a similar amount of pleasure and what did it cost me? Why nothing,
nothing at all, but a moment in time. Now if this story pleases you and you would like to see the
finished product, don’t be shy, indeed make your way over to www.worthiness.com.au.

SUGARBEE XX   30/01/13

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