Wednesday 29 May 2013

A Little Birdy That Watches You

This little birdy watches you from afar.  This little birdy watches everything. He says nothing to no one, all he does is watch so it seems. But really what's happening is something quite different. This little birdy is watching and learning all day and all night long. He is watching everything and everyone. He has learnt so much in the 25 years he has sat above the doorway of a shop selling what I can't remember in a place I have no memory of. But he is Bill, Bill Bluebird and if you sit very still and wait patiently, he will see you and wink. And then if you ask him a question, Bill will tell you the answer in a most exciting way, because to be quite frank, there is a very high chance Bill will know the answer. You see in 25 years, Bill has seen and heard people run, walk, sing and talk, converse and release emotion; tell secrets, stop and stretch. Bill has seen who they hang out with, he knows who is connected to who and how, He sees what the people purchase, eat and wear and from this he can tell much about who really is who, who is real, who pretends, who hides behind a facade of a personality they wish they could be, and who runs like the wind or dances in the street. He has seen kindness and cruelty and heard more than 100 languages in his time. Bill is fluent in 7 languages after 25 years for there are 7 languages in his neighbourhood, and Bill can tell you things about at least another 10 languages he has quite often heard. Bill is a silent one, Bill is a clever one, Bill knows much and that makes Bill a very special bird.

SUGARBEE XX   30/05/13

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