Saturday 11 May 2013

Weather, Wonderful Weather

Isn't weather wonderful, I love the wildness of weather when it gets wild and the many expressions that weather has. The wind blows wild, the rain comes down hard and you shiver at the force. The sun shines bright and the air is still, all in one day, changes, changes, changes, keeping you on your toes, engaging your senses and affecting your mood. It's great if you can love all weather, even the brrr brrr chilly chilly cold days, for then there is always something to smile at. The photo above was taken at the far end of Altona beach, where if you wander off track you come across wide dark sands that provide a playground for dirt bikes (the motor kind) and mountain bikes, and the swirling patterns of their tyre tracks laid into the sand, a memory of fun washed fresh each day by wind and I assume a light tide that washes over the wetlands surrounding the area. If you look at the photo to the left you will see a wide circling mark, but what I love most about this area is the sense of separation you get so far from the city, an isolation, an aloneness, a distance that seems for a moment in time impossible to cover. So many feelings and impressions in a day, that is the stuff to keep the doctor away.

SUGARBEE XX   12/05/13

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