Tuesday 7 May 2013

The Giant Tools Are Waiting To Build

In a neighbourhood called Newport there is an underpass that carries you from the railway station under a busy road and safely to the other side. Along the way you come across a wall of delight, a wall where they constructed some mighty big tools into the walls of the underpass. These tools are roughly 6 foot tall and in my mind, they are wonderful. I can imagine how a child would thrill at the sight each time they ran past the giant tools, the thoughts that would decorate the fantasy channels all children have, the dreams of what they could build, without any thought that the tools are stuck to the wall dampening their dreams. Children are wonderful like that, we all were once too, and some of us are ever so lucky to have retained that childhood imagination as we aged, only exploring it further instead of replacing it with fear and the boundaries the way so many sadly do. I say be free to let your imagination run wild, have incredible conversations with yourself, see the rabbits jump 60 feet high instead of stuck in a cage, have races at the supermarket with other trolley pushes, swim out to that island when you are splashing in the white wash and laugh laugh laugh all day long. And if you ever find yourself doubting your imagination, close your eyes for a short moment in time and remember in a very cute part of the world there are giant tools waiting to build things.

SUGARBEE XX   07/05/13

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